Thursday, December 17, 2009

Crazy Times

I have been told that I need to start blogging again by a certain someone. I haven't been blogging because I feel like you should be able to write what ever you want. Isn't a blog suppose to be like an online journal? Being that I have people constantly watching me I can't really say what I want to say. Well that is what I thought, but recently I have decided I don't care what people think. The only person I should be worrying about is God. I need to ask myself "is God ok with the disions I have mean making?" I know he isn't ok with some of them, but I have asked God for forgiveness. I shouldn't have to ask any one else for forgiveness. Guess what, I have decided I'm not going to! If you all don't want to be a part of mine and my son's life then so be it don't. Your not hurting us. I wish people would just think before saying thing. Think back to when they where doing things that I'm sure they where not asking God if what they where doing was ok. No one is perfect and that is why God gave up his only son for our sins! Do you think God is ok with your gossiping about me? Or do you think God would want you to help me grow in him?
I realized on Sunday, that the only person I need is God. I enjoy having people in my life, and I know some of those people love that I allow them to stay in my life. Am I sick and tired of people saying stuff behind my back? Heck, yes, I am, but I know God is watching them to. Do you think he approves? Not a chance.
The important thing is I am learning from my mistakes, and making things much better for my son and I. I never thought this would be happening to me, but I'm not the only one this has happened to. I just need to move on and get over it. I am very thankful to have the people I have in my life. I love that they enjoy watching Dyllan grow and learn just as much as I do. My son is my whole world, and I am trying my hardest to be the best parent I can be. When I fall down, I pick myself up, brush myself off and ask God, "what else do you have for me?" The things I do, I do for God and Dyllan! I don't do them for anyone else. If people can't see I'm trying, then they don't need to be in my life.
Every single person who is a live today has made some sort if mistake. No one is perfect, don't even try because it wont happen. I hope everyone will open there eyes and realize these things. I'm back to blogging, because I do miss it, and I know at least one person does as well.


  1. Good blog Sammy. Its my belief that you DO need to ask for forgiveness or apologize to people you have hurt or offended...BUT it is then up to that person whether they accept or not. People should do the same to you. Its on their plate. However, you do not "answer" to anyone but God....well and Dyllan too right now.

  2. Oh and PS...Dyllan is getting huge.

  3. I am glad that I can keep in touch with you & Dyllan this way. Keep it up, especially the pictures. Sarah is right, he is growing up so fast!

    I love hearing that you are going to church and I hope you decide to raise Dyllan going. The people you surrund yourself and Dyllan with influence so much of your life and the church is a great way to start over. They will give you the positive support you need and best of all pray for you! You are both in my prayers and I hope old wounds and friendships can be mended if they should be. People come in and out of your life for a reason and sometimes just for a season. I have learned that traveling around so much and living in so many places. The ones that love you are there for you through it all. They may hurt you, they may make bad choices but if they are true you & they will find forgiveness and move beyong this. But some are meant to be let go of and it's for the best. God loves you, God forgives you but he wants you to learn from your past and try not to repeat them. I know you are moving in the right direction and I am proud of you! Being a hypercrate is a human flaw and gossiping is a struggle for most, but you are right, God is the only judge that matters, so work on your relationship with him and the rest will come. People will see him in you & then they will see their own faults more and less in you. So glad you are back online & stay in touch! You are a special person!

  4. That was an awesome blog Sammy. I am proud to see the growth is you recently and have enjoyed our relationship growing too. It is awesome to have you and Dyllan in our lives and I love being a part of it. Glad church touched you in such a way on Sunday and I look forward to continuing to see you grow and walk this journey with you.
    You are special to me and to God and I am so happy you are blogging again. Keep it up, cause you know I will bug ya about it if you don't! lol

  5. Sarah, I have tried to apologize to the one person who I needed to apologize to. Now it is on that person to accept it or not. If they chose not to then I will not hold it against that person for there decision. But as of right now I don't think anyone has let the past go, and that is on them. I shouldn't be shunned for the rest of my life because I have made some bad decisions. Would you or anyone for that matter like to be shunned because you have made bad decisions.

  6. Sara, thank you. I love being back at church, and I think I finally found a church that is good for Dyllan and I. I sure hope people can forgive me. I know I have made some bad decisions, but we all have past regrets. It just seems like everyone has forgotten there past regrets and started pointing fingers at me. I think it even hurts worse when people no some of the things that other people are saying I did is completely wrong. Sara, I love that you guys are in mine and Dyllan's live and I hope it can stay that way!!

  7. Di, I love you and charish your friendship so very much. Thank you for being there for Dyllan and I no matter what. I'm happy to be back at church, it makes me feel so much better about myself. I love you sis!!

  8. Well what matters now is what you choose from here forward. I am happy to be there for you and Dyllan and look forward to seeing you prosper. So glad you are back in church and can't wait to share it with you. Love you mucho.

  9. Sam, I Love you both very much. I am always here for you. I have enjoyed being part of your lives. Dyllan is a very sweet little boy. You are doing a great job. It isn't easy being a single parent. Love ya Much! Mom
