Friday, January 15, 2010

Fingerprint Friday!

Every week Pampering Becki hosts Fingerprint Friday. These posts are based on the song “Fingerprints of God” by Steven Curtis Chapman. Several of us bloggers blog about a picture we find each week that we see God’s Fingerprints on. You can check out her sight for more details.

My wonderful boyfriend, James Edward Brooks, sent me this picture the other day. He is starting to train for his twelve month deployment to Iraq, with the Army. I am choosing this picture and him on this Fingerprint Friday because he could be home helping his Dad with his Mom's lung cancer, (that she was diagnosed with a week after he left for Hawaii.) He could get out and come home, but he is staying to do what he feels like he needs to do for our country. I am very proud of him and worry about him everyday. I know he will be just fine with his fast approaching deployment. I can not wait to see him when he comes home, and I am sure I will be writing many more blogs about him here soon.


  1. I will keep his mom in my prayers! That must have been a hard decision for him!

  2. Thank You! It was a hard decision, and still is. I think the only reason he has stayed, is because she told him to.

  3. Keep the posts coming Sammy! You should write this week about starting school again. Love you.
