Thursday, December 17, 2009

Crazy Times

I have been told that I need to start blogging again by a certain someone. I haven't been blogging because I feel like you should be able to write what ever you want. Isn't a blog suppose to be like an online journal? Being that I have people constantly watching me I can't really say what I want to say. Well that is what I thought, but recently I have decided I don't care what people think. The only person I should be worrying about is God. I need to ask myself "is God ok with the disions I have mean making?" I know he isn't ok with some of them, but I have asked God for forgiveness. I shouldn't have to ask any one else for forgiveness. Guess what, I have decided I'm not going to! If you all don't want to be a part of mine and my son's life then so be it don't. Your not hurting us. I wish people would just think before saying thing. Think back to when they where doing things that I'm sure they where not asking God if what they where doing was ok. No one is perfect and that is why God gave up his only son for our sins! Do you think God is ok with your gossiping about me? Or do you think God would want you to help me grow in him?
I realized on Sunday, that the only person I need is God. I enjoy having people in my life, and I know some of those people love that I allow them to stay in my life. Am I sick and tired of people saying stuff behind my back? Heck, yes, I am, but I know God is watching them to. Do you think he approves? Not a chance.
The important thing is I am learning from my mistakes, and making things much better for my son and I. I never thought this would be happening to me, but I'm not the only one this has happened to. I just need to move on and get over it. I am very thankful to have the people I have in my life. I love that they enjoy watching Dyllan grow and learn just as much as I do. My son is my whole world, and I am trying my hardest to be the best parent I can be. When I fall down, I pick myself up, brush myself off and ask God, "what else do you have for me?" The things I do, I do for God and Dyllan! I don't do them for anyone else. If people can't see I'm trying, then they don't need to be in my life.
Every single person who is a live today has made some sort if mistake. No one is perfect, don't even try because it wont happen. I hope everyone will open there eyes and realize these things. I'm back to blogging, because I do miss it, and I know at least one person does as well.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why Good friends who become family are a must.

Dyllan and I where sitting at home, bored out of are minds. Ok, he wasn't, he was entertaining himself with my lap top and cell phone cords. I know, just lovely. He has 80 billion toys (or so it seems, when I'm picking them up every night). But I love him and he so knows it.
I really wanted to get out of the house and finally could drive somewhere, thanks to my wonderful friend Timothy, who fixed my car for me. But back to my original thoughts. I have been thinking about Di and Linda lately. How I miss them, and Nana Linda has not met Dyllan. (I know sad, he is almost a year old) I decided to text Di and see how her night was going. We both had no idea what we where going to do for dinner. Then we decided, hey why not go to dinner. I mat them at there house. I finally got to see Linda's wonderful new house. Dyllan of course got into anything and everything he could. Nana Linda's house is not quit Dyllan proofed yet. And I swear Dyllan is why smarter then his own good. I think he even ate some cat food tonight.
Dinner was wonderful. Oh how I missed La Comdia. And then of course we went shopping. Di and I got more matching clothes. I know it's said. But we like the same things. (I'm so waring my new comfy capris as I'm sitting here typing this.)
It was something I needed. A girls night out, well of course Dyllan was there. I hope we start hanging out more often. I don't normally go out with just the girls. I have a hard time getting out of the house sometimes. I'm not really sure why. I just do. I guess it might be becasue I'm a little ashamed of the reasons why I moved back to Chico. I know I defiantly shouldn't be, at all. But it just seems like when I see old friends they judge me becasue I left my husband and now am back. I'm trying to get over it. Life is just crazy, and it makes me even crazy. Which is so not a good thing.
My family has grown so much over the past few years. It is sad that I'm closer to my "adopted" sisters then my own sister. But that's the way the cookie crumbles. I'm not sure what I would do with out the women in my life. They keep me together. I love my whole crazy big family.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I hate not having anything to do.

I haven't had Dyllan since about 10:00 am today. So far I have been to the vet with my Mom. Saw my sister and brother-in-law and nieces for a short time, oh and started laundry. The days I have Dyllan I can think of so many things to do, but are way easier if he wasn't with me. But no, not today. I'm sitting in my bedroom, typing away. How freakin lame am I? I could be out shopping, Ok well window shopping, hanging out with my friends, seeing a darn movie, but nope. Still just typing away. I'm lame, I tell you! So now I'm thinking of things that I could be doing instead. Oh and I remember, my car is dead. I'm still not sure what is wrong with it, but I don't really have the money to fix her. Oh what to do now? Well I'm off to play with the dogs in the water. Hey why not? I don't have anything better to do.

I Dream of Disney

Disneyland seems to make all the horrible stuff go away. Well at least for the time your there. My last trip to Disneyland was wonderful. Even though my husband and I had decided to separate a few weeks before our trip. We decided to still go becasue of the family we where going with. My "adopted" sister's made the trip wonderful. It was a trip that I will never forget. It was not only my sons first trip (defiantly not his last), but my three nieces as well. It was defiantly something I needed. Well I need it again. My Disney therapy I mean. My life has been so crazy the last few months, that a trip to Disney would be wonderful.
The good news is, is it looks like we will be heading to Disneyland in October when my brother Scott, comes home from his current deployment. This time we will have more people, which means a ton more fun. My son will be older and more alert.